The Relationship Between Air Conditioning and Allergies

chameleon | 22 May 2024

The Relationship Between Air Conditioning and Allergies: Common Misconceptions

Air conditioning allergy

Have you ever had the feeling that when turning on your home air conditioner unit you started sneezing, coughing, had watery eyes, or even had fever? There are reasons why you may be having these symptoms, and even though you may believe they are caused by the air conditioner, we can assure you, that this is not the cause.

Can air conditioning affect or trigger indoor allergies?

Understanding Air Quality

If you are wondering if an air conditioner can cause allergies, the quick answer is no. But if there is something that can be causing indoor allergies to you and your housemates, is the quality of the air circulating inside your house.

Many people have the misconception that air conditioners are the cause or trigger of allergic reactions such as rhinitis, asthma, and even pneumonitis. Still, the truth is that you can blame the microorganisms that live inside your premises and in the ventilation systems.

That said it may look like the air conditioner unit may be partially guilty about those allergy triggers when it is simply failing to protect you and your premises from the allergens in the air. This happens because air conditioners have filters and when they are not properly maintained, they can be blowing those allergens, instead of removing them from your house.

Benefits of Properly Maintained Air Conditioning

Air conditioners when properly maintained, should help protect your home from these harmful bacteria and microorganisms, as their filter may remove part of the allergens from the air. Therefore, if you have an air conditioning unit, or if you are thinking about getting one installed, it is highly recommended that you keep their maintenance up to date and avoid not only getting the bacteria circulating inside your house but also avoiding repair costs.

Can I Have an Air Conditioning Allergy?

As well as it is not possible to have an allergy caused directly by the air conditioner in your house, it is also not possible to have an air conditioner allergy. This is simple because the cooling process doesn’t add anything extra to the air, and it cannot cause any health problems. As mentioned above, the air conditioner unit may help remove harmful bacteria from the air, and instead of causing allergies, when properly maintained, it can only bring good quality air to your house.

Common Indoor Allergens

Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment goes beyond temperature control and it also involves managing indoor allergens that can trigger allergic reactions. Here are several common indoor allergens and ways in which air conditioning systems can help reduce those:

Pollen: Although commonly associated with outdoor environments, pollen can also find its way indoors through open windows and doors. Indoor plants and flowers can also contribute to pollen levels indoors. Regular filter maintenance ensures optimal filtration efficiency.

Dust: Dust mites are microscopic organisms that thrive in household dust, particularly in bedding, upholstery, and carpets. HEPA filters can capture dust mites and other airborne particles, improving indoor air quality and minimizing allergic reactions.

Mold: Mold spores are present in the air and can settle in damp or humid areas of the home, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Air conditioning units help regulate indoor humidity levels, creating an environment less conducive to mould growth.

Pet Dander: Allergic reactions to pet dander are common among individuals sensitive to proteins found in pet saliva, urine, and dander (skin flakes). Even homes without pets can contain pet dander brought in on clothing or shoes.

Chemical Irritants: Household cleaning products, air fresheners, and other chemical-based products can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, triggering allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Air conditioning units equipped with activated carbon or charcoal filters can effectively remove chemical irritants, such as VOCs, from indoor air.

air conditioning allergy causes

Maintaining Optimal Indoor Air Quality

Having an air conditioner in your home offers several benefits, including the ability to enhance air quality by eliminating allergens and pollutants. To ensure optimal performance, it’s crucial to regularly maintain your air conditioner. This involves hiring a dependable technician to conduct thorough inspections and cleaning of the filters. By keeping your air conditioner well-maintained, you can effectively minimize allergen exposure and promote a healthier indoor environment.

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Air Conditioning

  • Air conditioning gives you a cold: This is one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to air conditioner units. Air conditioners may do the opposite, by bringing healthy levels of humidity, and good air quality by removing harmful bacteria and pollutants. As an extra, some of the latest models can be installed with specialised filters that can help reduce pollutants and kill harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Sleeping with AC on is bad for your health: If your air conditioner is set to keep the indoor temperature between 18c to 24c, then this is not an issue you should worry about. As mentioned, air conditioners may help improve air quality, and as long as the temperature is not too cold or too hot for an entire night, then it will not cause any harm to you.
  • Air conditioner is not safe for children’s room: Again, a big misconception about air conditioners. Air conditioning units help control the temperature of a room, and while keeping it at safe temperature levels, it may prevent overheating as well as prevent too cold rooms in winter.

Schedule a Maintenance Appointment

If you require an air conditioner repair or a simple maintenance appointment in order to get your air quality levels good, then do not hesitate to contact a reliable and experienced air conditioner repair service provider. Having someone experienced will guarantee your peace of mind and good nights of sleep.

If you would like to know more about air conditioner maintenance, repair services, and installation, our team at TRAC Aircon can help you. Contact us now.

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